International Trademark
If you need to apply for trademark protection in more than one country, using the Madrid Protocol is the best solution for your business.
This international treaty allows trademark applicants such as you, to obtain trademark protection in multiple countries by filing one single time, at local level.
The requirements are not easy to understand and the law specifications are complex, mostly because they refer to more than one country.
If you are interested in filing a trademark application under the Madrid Protocol, get a free consultation with our trademark attorney specialized in international trademark registrations.
You can consult the complete list of the 90 countries that have signed the Madrid Protocol on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) website.
Who can submit an international application?
An international trademark application can be submitted by anyone who needs to register a trademark in several countries. The only two conditions that need to be met are:
The applicant has to be a U.S. national or to have a domicile (residence) or a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in the U.S.
The applicant needs to have either a trademark application filed with the USPTO or to have already received a trademark registration issued by the USPTO.
- Applicants that meet these two conditions can submit their request through the USPTO.